Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What deer-resistant, easy to take care of plants do you know?

I live in CT, we have a lot of deer here and those bastards eat everything!!!!! They ate all my lilies. So, could you give my a piece of advice? What deer-resistant plants do look nice most of summer and fall and are not very difficult to take care of?What deer-resistant, easy to take care of plants do you know?
I'm in CT too and have lots of deer. There are TONS of plants they do not like. I learned the what not to plant lesson 2 months after I moved here.

I'll tell you what I have:

Yarrow, Black Eyed Susans, Purple Coneflower, Lilac, lambs ears, russian sage, Bee Balm, Columbine and various mints.What deer-resistant, easy to take care of plants do you know?
What are those common deer-resistant trees and shrubs?


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There is a good advice on deer proofing your garden at this site: http://www.deerproofgardens.co鈥?/a>

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Here in California the deer won't eat oleander. It's a big shrub-style flowering bush. Also, they won't eat geraniums. We had lots of both of those in our deer-infested yard and they did great.
Lavender is also deer resistant. However, if you visit the Spring Hill Nursery website, their plants are labeled for deer resistance. Whether or not you buy there, it's good information (because you can also then filter plant selections by your hardiness zone and the amount of light).
You can make ANY plant on your property deer-resistant if you use this simple solution... Take 10 parts water to 1 part Tobasco. Mix in a squirt bottle, and spray at the bottom of the plants. You will not smell it the next day, and it only needs to be applied once a month. Hope this helps.
Use Deer Off on the periphery.
cactus they can grow anywhere and don't need any attention
Try marigolds - not the most pleasant smelling things but they come in a variety of colors/styles and bloom all year without one bit of attention - you can save the seeds after hte bloow dies and plant them next year.
Really spiny cactus?
go ask your dad
deer will not eat black locust,cucumber,geranium,peony,squash,ve鈥?wisteria. Thers are also 2 homemade harmless tonics you can make to keep them off of everything. One is called the 'deer buster egg tonic' -

just put

2eggs,2cloves of garlic,2 tbsp of tabasco sauce,2 tbsp of cayenne pepper and 2 cups of water- puree' in blender.let mix sit for a day or two then pour or spray all over and around the plants you want to protect.

2nd one - just mix 2 tbsp cayenne,2 tbsp chili powder, and 2 tbsp tabasco with 1tbsp murphy's oil soap and 1 qt of water. mix together and pour into hand held sprayer and liberally spray on all of your plants.

.............both of these are completely safe for your plants and pets of your own of course your pets won't want to eat them either for kiddies to if you happen to have them. might keep them from eating plants too.
I live in CT too and the deer have wreaked havoc in my garden. Problem is deer will eat almost everything if they are hungry enough. I would need to know if it's for the shade or sun to give you precise picks. Some things in my yard that they haven't yet touched are astible, irises, montauk daises, black eyed Susan's and cone flowers. Your best bet is to go to your local nursery and ask them. They will ask you how much sun you have and give you advice on what to plant. All perennials need to be taken care of so ask them what you need to do to keep them healthy. Good luck.
I know this sounds strange, but it really works. I had the same problem years ago, and I have been able to get it to stop.


Urine. Have a male (because it is easier) go out and ';draw a line'; where you are trying to protect. Should be done once a week - especially after rain. At night keeps the neighbors from wondering what is going on !

It's just like marking the territory, doesn't cost a thing, is natural safe and REALLy works.
I'd have serious doubts about the human urine as a repellent. Several times when I've been backpacking in the backcountry, deer would come around at night to lick the spots near out campsite where we'd urinated. They were after the salt, I'm told. At first blush, the idea sounds feasible, since many repellents (at least they are sold as such) are urine from this critter or that. However.....
Human Hair, go to the barber shop they have plenty, Also human urine, but i am sure that you do not want your neighbors catching you copping a squat
Nerium oleander,Rhododendron, Cistus,rosemary. Bamboo, Mahonia, Holly, Daphne, Romneya, Ferns, Lantana, Arbutus unedo, Hypericum, iris, daffodil, Tulipa, Artichoke, fig, squash, eucalyptus, fir, or cedar.

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