Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the difference between Poland Spring water and Deer Park?

They have the exact same label except with different colors, and with different words on the logo.

What I think it is is that they are both owned by the same company, but come from different sources (One comes from Poland Spring, one from Deer Park) What do you think?What is the difference between Poland Spring water and Deer Park?
They are both part of Nestle. You don't know exactly what you are getting with either one because they have multiple water sources. All water bottled under the Poland Spring label is from sources in Maine. It started in Poland, Maine and had one source until Nestle bought the company. When bottled water became more popular they started extracting from other sources that they felt had similar tasting water. Deer Park started at the Deer Park Hotel and Spa in western Maryland. Now they get water from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Florida. One of Poland Spring's new pumping stations draws water from the same aquifer as my well so you could say Poland Spring water flows from my tap. I like to joke about flushing my toilet with Poland Spring Water. I just hope that Poland Spring doesn't pump so much water out of that aquifer that my well and my neighbors' don't go dry. That has happened several times around the original Poland Spring.What is the difference between Poland Spring water and Deer Park?
look on the bottle it should say what company its from

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