A BIG GUNWhat can deter rabbits and deer from a garden?
Ok, this first one you are going to laugh at me so much for. What you do is you get Zoopoo. I am not sure where on earth you buy it, never buying it myself, but what it is is a mix of different zoo animal poos. Evidentally, the different types of poo keep the deer (and probably rabbits) away.
The second is to plants marigolds (deer hate them) and to spread human hair around the area (you can even get some at the local barber if you explain to them what you'll use it for so they don't think your nuts).
I think the zoopoo would work on rabbits. Wouldn't bet my life on it though. You may just want to find some sort of organic repellent against them.
PS. If you can't find the Zoopoo stuff, go with the hair idea. Email me if you have further questions (I work at a garden store so I can check up on things if you'd like)
PSS. If all else fails, get a liquid prepellent or an actual sturdy fence can look stylish and be funtional in terms of keeping out the bugers.. er, I mean, dear and rabbits) ;)
There is a product called Liquid Fence. You spray it on and it lasts 30 days. If you have heavy rain I would re-apply. Will not harm plants or animals. Use on flower gardens not veggie gardens. Urine, human hair and other ';home remedies'; do not work. If you planted a veggie garden get 6' wooden stakes, put them around the garden and use bird netting, securing it to each post with garbage bag ties. Leave a panel not attached for access. You only have to wrap it around the sides. If there isn't alteast 20 feet in between the fence the deer won't jump it, no room for them to land. I have a veggie garden and the fence is the only thing that keeps the deer out of it. I hope this helps and happy gardening!!!!
buckshot works for me but if you are one of those PETA types I have heard blood meal works.not something the big box stores carry a local hardware would be the best place to find it.
You can do what I used to do and that's feed the deer and rabbit's, leave food far away from the garden, and get a dog if possible. You will want to fence in the area also. And yes human urine does work well if these deer are used to being hunted, but it must be 10 or more feet away from the garden in all directions. It wont work if the deer are used to humans.
Someone recently told me urine. I am going to try it at my house.
I've heard human hair keeps them away, but I don't know if that just works for the deer...
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